Treatment Examples Using Electronic Gem Therapy by Practitioners of Various Disciplines
Left Shoulder Anterior Dislocation

It was a pleasure meeting Mrs J.P. age 86. In October 2014 while on holiday, when disembarking from a cruise ship in Bratislava, this lady stumbled and fell face down onto a slopping metal gangplank causing multiple contusions, lacerations and the anterior dislocation of her left shoulder.

Taken by Ambulance to hospital, her dislocated arm was relocated and her numerous injuries were dressed. All of the doctors spoke English and she was charge only 1.99. Euros and discharged with a letter stating that she was good to fly back to the U.K..
Mrs J.P.’s U,K. Doctor referred to the orthopaedic department for follow-up care then later referred to a physiotherapist for rehabilitation to strengthen her shoulder prescribed physiotherapy and she continued this until March 2016 (16 months of physiotherapy) until discharged but told to continue with the physiotherapy exercises.
In April 2016, Mrs J.P. attended for Electronic Gem Therapy treatment presenting restricted and painful left arm, restrict rotation and lifting and carrying abilities, numb feelings in her left hand and fingers with uncontrollable shaking of her arm, fingers and thumb. Being left-handed, these symptoms caused many difficulties for her daily routines.
Infrared temperature reading were taken from her right shoulder and also from her right hand. These reference readings then were compared to her left shoulder and left hand. The left hand measured 2.2 Celsius colder than her right hand. The left shoulder measured 2.7 Celsius hotter than her right shoulder.

The left shoulder was treated with two EGT Lamps containing a mixture of Emeralds & Blue Sapphires to attenuate pain and reduce the temperature.

The rear of the shoulder was treated with Lamps containing Blue Sapphires to remove the chronic trauma.

The left hand and arm muscles where treated with lamps containing a mixture of Diamonds & Carnelians to increase the temperature and biological energy.
Following the above treatments, being unrestricted by pain, Mrs J.P. regain the full use of her left hand and full rotation of her left arm.

Psoriasis Prior to Electronic Gem Therapy

Psoriasis After Electronic Gem Therapy

Psoriasis is treatable with Electronic Gem Therapy Lamps containing Emeralds & Sapphires, Green Filter at 1.5Hz.

Osteoarthritis with muscular/ligamentous strain/sprain. Mrs H, an 85-year-old lady, attended the clinic complaining of constant left hip and groin pain which had continued unabated for 6 weeks together with asthma which caused her to become short of breath at times. She could only walk using a stick and was limited to only a few yards of walking without pain having previously received physiotherapy exercises, ultrasound and chiropractic treatment to her hip without success. There were signs of moderate osteoarthritis of the left hip and inflammation of the soft tissues around the hip. Mrs H received five treatments to her left hip resulting in her remaining without pain for the past 5 weeks, and for the past 3 weeks able to walk without a stick.
Adhesive capsulitis. Mrs P, aged 58, complained of constant sharp pain in her right shoulder, which had become extremely stiff and painful to move, flexion 100 degrees, abduction 90 degrees, right hand touches right buttock.
Response after Lux II treatment: internal range of movement improved, though remains very slightly stiff; no pain; patient able to use arm as normal. Full recovery apart from slight restriction in internal rotation.
Disc prolapse and sciatica. Mrs B complained of severe low back pain, posterior thigh, leg and foot pain, which had continued unabated for 5 months.A disc prolapse was diagnosed at a physiotherapy clinic where she had previously received intensive treatment which she found aggravated her condition. An examination confirmed the evidence of a L5 Sl lateral disc prolapse causing sciatica. A short course of chiropractic treatment was unsuccessful in reducing her pain and Lux II treatment was recommended. Mrs B reported her pain had significantly reduced after her first treatment; her low back and leg pain being resolved after her second treatment. Mrs B had previously booked to go skiing with her husband prior to her injury and decided to travel on holiday but not to ski. When she returned to the clinic Mrs B reported that she had felt so well she had been able to ski without any pain. Since her third and last treatment, Mrs B remains pain free.
Adhesive capsulitis. Mrs W, aged 52, complained of a very stiff left shoulder, adding that an orthopaedic consultant had recommended surgery. Her shoulder stiffness had previously been diagnosed as a ‘frozen shoulder’ and had persisted for 12 months. Pain occurred only if she was lying on the shoulder at night, or if she attempted to force it beyond its limited range of movement. Previous treatment had included physiotherapy, acupuncture and ‘spiritual healing’; all had proven unable to restore movement to the shoulder. Examination confirmed an adhesive capsulitis. The range of movement was extremely limited: abduction 45 degrees, flexion 85 degrees; internal rotation limited: left hand to side of left hip joint.
After a course of Lux II management, the patient reported a full range of movement in flexion, internal range of movement, 105 degrees of abduction and pain-free nights. Expect with gradual strengthening of the deltoid muscles that the shoulder will be able to fully abduct since no restriction of movement remains; the inability to raise the arm beyond 105 degrees abduction is due only to muscle atrophy.
Fractured left ankle. Mr B, a 24-year-old rugby player, had been unable to play rugby since fracturing his left ankle complaining of a sharp, deep-seated pain when attempting to run fast or change direction at speed. Ultrasound and conventional physiotherapy had been unsuccessful in reducing his pain. Often fractures of the ankle cause significant soft tissue damage and scar tissue formation, and treatment aims to clear any deep-seated scar tissue which may be causing nerve irritation. In this type of injury, the frequency requirements seem to be dependent on the severity and duration of the injury (the longer the duration, the higher the frequency required), the extent of the soft tissue damage (the more damage, the higher the frequency), and the sensitivity of the patient. The more sensitive the patient (i.e. the more intuitive the patient, the more they can feel the treatment working), the lower the frequency required.
Treatment l. Lamp 1 just under the lateral malleolus of left ankle. Response: significant reduction in pain during training, only slight twinges after two games of rugby.
Treatment 2. Repeat of first treatment. Response: continued improvement, no more discomfort.
Treatment 3. Changed treatment to try to clear final damage. Lamp 1 outside of ankle: Response: ankle continues to improve with occasional twinges. Patient can run at full speed without pain and he has returned to full-time rugby.
Capsulitis of left elbow with ligament sprain. Mr D, a competitive wind surfer, complained of left elbow pain following wind surfing which had continued unabated for 12 months stopping him from weight training and wind surfing. He had previously received chiropractic treatment, physical therapy and ultrasound to his left elbow without success. Four days after receiving his first treatment, Mr D reported he had felt fit enough to return to weight training and had only experienced slight soreness afterwards. Following his second treatment, Mr D made a full recovery and was able to return to weight training and wind surfing competitively.
Nine-month-old hamstring muscle strain. Mr H, an amateur football player, attended the clinic complaining of left posterior thigh pain of 9 months’ duration. He explained he had previously seen a physiotherapist, who had diagnosed a moderate hamstring muscle strain. Despite 14 intensive physiotherapy treatments to his hamstring, which included a variety of soft tissue therapy and electrical modalities, the thigh pain had not improved and he remained unable to return to running and playing sport. Examination confirmed a moderate hamstring muscle strain and Lux II was recommended. Mr H returned after one 20-minute Lux II treatment stating his pain was reduced by 90%. Following his third treatment, Mr H reported his pain had completely gone and has not returned, enabling him to recommence playing football 10 days after his first treatment.
Rotator cuff strain of right shoulder with capsulitis. Mr S, a 20 stone, 6′ 4″ rugby player, attended the clinic complaining of a deep-seated, sharp, right shoulder pain which occurred whilst playing rugby. He had previously received physiotherapy and chiropractic manipulation with only limited success. His sharp pain continued to prevent him from returning to his rugby playing. Mr S received three Lux II treatments over a 10-day period. He returned to rugby after 10 days without pain, remaining pain free some 4 months later.
Lower ankle pain. Mrs B, a 36-year-old aerobics instructor, complained of lower ankle pain, which was situated over the tendons of the peroneus muscles. Pain had continued for 3 weeks and was preventing her from working. Mrs B was limping and in constant pain over the outer ankle, which radiated up to the outer calf muscle.
Treatment l. Lamp 1 used to target the area of pain.
Treatment 2. Response: slight reduction in pain. Lamp 1 left outer ankle: gold topaz, diamond, carnelian; orange filter; Lamp 2 outer calf (where pain is directed): ruby, blue sapphire.
Treatment 3. Response: very much better, pain reduced from pain score of 9/10 to 1.5/10. Lamp 1 as above. Lamp 2 as above, the pain had greatly reduced.
Treatment 4. Response: no pain since last treatment, returned to full aerobic classes. Lamps l and 2 repeated as before.
Knee injury. Mr A, a 24-year-old student, complained of a stiff and painful right knee following an injury during judo. A scan revealed a loose body within the knee joint which was generally painful and swollen.
Treatment 1. To treat fluid on the knee: patient lying prone. Lamp 1; back of right knee: Lamp 2; side of right knee, top of joint:
Treatment 2. Response: pain greatly reduced, along with swelling; pain now localised to the base of the patella. Changed treatment. Turned patient over onto back (supine). Lamp 1; base of patella: gold topaz, diamond; blue filter; 2,500 Hz. Lamp 2; side of knee: ruby, carnelian; red filter; 300 Hz.
Treatment 3. Only slight pain at base of patella. Patient now running and 95% well. Treatment repeated. Gold topaz and diamond with opposing ruby and carnelian has been an excellent combination for disbursing fluid and pain associated with fluid on the knee joints.
Knee injury. Mr H, a 50-year-old squash player, complained of pain in the right knee localised over the medial compartment. Examination confirmed tearing of the coronary hook ligaments and medial meniscus.
Treatment 1. Lamp 1; medial meniscus (site of pain):
Treatment 2. Less pain; oedema has gone; patient taking less pain killers. Repeat treatment.
Treatment 3. Very much better; no sharp pain, only mild dull aches remain. Repeat treatment.
Treatment 4. Off pain killers; ache only occasionally.
Treatment 5. One month has passed, patient has been pain free throughout and is back playing squash, walking and active.

ME and “Trigger Thumb”/Arthritis. A 57 year old lady, with a typical low right Assemblage Point position for ME, suffering from various ME symptoms of chronic fatigue, digestive problems, anxiety, depression, insomnia, cat-napping throughout the day, and a strangely painful left thumb although she was right-handed. Her Assemblage Point was shifted using diamond and carnelian transducers orange filters, to the back and front of the chest. Her thumb did not respond to the usual treatment for pain and inflammation (sapphire and emerald) so ruby and diamond was applied with a red filter, the pain disappeared within two minutes, indicating that her ailment was not “trigger thumb” but arthritis. She needed only one treatment and all her ME and arthritis symptoms did not return. A year later she is still doing very well.
ME, Hysterectomy and Post-menopausal Complications. A 53 year old lady, with symptoms and Assemblage Point similar to case 1 but without the arthritis. These ME cases are very common, often needing only one treatment, and, like this lady, are then able to break the cycle of insomnia, depression, fatigue, digestive complaints, anxiety, etc.. As above, her Assemblage Point was shifted from the low right position to centre. Since this lady was also suffering from post-menopausal difficulties following the removal of her womb, an additional treatment of the womb area with a traditional Ayurvedic mixture of yellow topaz, sapphire, emerald, diamond and moonstone, blue filter, was also applied for 20 minutes. She has remained well and free from symptoms for the past year.
Arthritic Knees, Degenerative Bone Structure in Feet. A 73 year old former naval captain with severe pain in both knees and feet was given just one treatment of diamond and ruby, red filter, to his knees and feet, then 20 minutes of diamond and carnelian to the same areas. He has been free from pain experiencing much greater movement in those areas throughout the past 12 months.
Childhood Eczema. This 3 year old girl was a typical eczema case, with an overheated liver (perhaps due to lactose intolerance) and most of the skin very itchy due to raised, red, weeping eczema. Her liver was cooled with emerald, using a green filter, and the same treatment was applied to the major areas of affected skin. She was brought back for a follow-up treatment two months later but by that stage did not require further treatment and has remained well for the past year. Her mother was treated for similar skin and liver problems at the same time and also needed only one treatment, plus an Assemblage Point shift from a high right stress position, using diamond and carnelian in an orange filter. Both continue to be very well.
Parkinson’s Disease E-Mail Series
Email Date: 1/3/2008 Dear Jon, If you are available for a telephone consult I would be ready to begin the first treatment for my mother on Saturday, the 5th. She is experiencing some aggravation in her symptoms over the past week. More trembling, listlessness, anxiety and a lot less mobility. She is on a anti psychotic drug called klonopin. This was prescribed because the levadopa drug which helps mobility by releasing dopamine into her system actually becomes toxic over time causing anxiety, hallucinations as well as plenty of other unpleasant side effects. The klonopin supposedly helps the anxiety as well as helping prevent hallucinations but causes serious side effects and is potentially fatal. The klonopin dose is small. She supplements the klonopin with atavan, (like valium) to aid in reducing anxiety. Her anxiety is a primary complaint. Depression and anxiety are married to parkinsons. The two go hand in hand.
The drugs my mother is on have been prescribed to make her as comfortable as possible, for without them her waking hours would be unbearable, yet her condition is unbearable in any event. She has acquiesced to them in light of being informed there would be no way to cure her illness. In other words there was “no way out”. Given her age at the initial diagnosis the doctor talked about her quality of life and began her on levadopa. At that time she was 72 years old. She will turn 77 this February. As previously stated, the levadopa eventually becomes toxic in the system causing other symptoms as well as becoming less effective in it’s intended purpose of aiding mobility. The first anti anxiety/ hallucinogen (ceroquel) was prescribed in July, 2007. This was switched to klonopin a month ago. At this point a list of her symptoms is lengthy. Thank you, Linda
Email Date: 1/8/2008 Dear Jon, Everything is here. I have assembled the lamps to the tripod per the instructions took a temperature of my mother’s liver and it was in the 100 degree range. The temperature of the spleen was similar, though I felt it was slightly hotter will retake the temperatures tomorrow. Do the gemstones get mixed together in each of the lamps or will it be diamonds in one lamp and carnelian in the other? I await further instructions. Thank you, Linda
Reply Email Date: 1/9/2008 Dear Linda, I tried to call you several times last night. Points that I want to say:
1) Take your time with your mother to gain her confidence over days or a week.
2) Use dark sapphire at 1.5 Hz (green switch) at 12 volts for 20 minutes. Use a dark violet filter – the same colour type as the one that was attached to a yellow ‘post-it’ paper inside the gem box.
3) Target (with one lamp) the base of her neck at the back at the level where tho collar bones (clavicles) join the spine.
4) This should substantially reduce the muscular spasms in the arms and elsewhere. If it does, for the time being treat her in the morning and before bed time. This should permit a more relaxed sleep and energy accumulation.
5) We can’t do anything about her drug history that you mentioned in detail. in your email. I suspect that before Christmas, her AP dropped down further. Proceed with the above for a few days or so and report back to me. For the time being, just see how she goes and do not use diamonds and carnelians to her spleen. If she improves, perhaps her spleen can be treated with diamonds and carnelians to lift her AP location. as we do not know how she will react to this, for this reason, it is best to make some small progress first to gain her trust.
6) If the treatment above makes some improvements, then you can use two lamps, the same and perhaps target her hand palms and feet at the ball of the great toe. Let me know the results please. Best regards, Yours sincerely Jon Whale For Whale Medical Inc
Email Date: 1/11/2008 Dear Jon, Report for 1/10/08. Treatment went well. Her condition became anxious just before treatment. She became more comfortable during treatment. Trembling in all extremities began immediately afterward but then stopped completely within 5 minutes. Remained restful and relaxed throughout afternoon and thru dinner into evening. Lucid and more engaged with surroundings and others.I will be working in Arizona Jan. 14-20. My niece will be giving the treatment. She is very intuitive and close with my mother. If the treatment protocol is anticipated to be changed before the 20th I will prepare the second lamp before I leave so it will be ready. Thank you so much, Linda
Reply Email Date: 1/11/2008 Dear Linda, Thank you for your e-mail. Carry on with the same, but now in addition: Fill the second lamp with the same and now you can gain more benefit by treating the palms of the hands and the soles of her feet using a lamp on each hand and foot. Try 15 minutes on the hands. Stop, wait for a while and observe. If good response, treat the feet, or you can do that another day depending on time and patient commitment / tolerance attitude. Don’t exhaust her by trying too much at once. better to stagger treatments over days and aim at steady progress:- We leave miracles to God, that his job. Best regards Yours sincerely Jon Whale For Whale Medical.
Email Date: 1/12/2008 Dear Jon, I hope I am not sending too many emails but I had to tell you about today. My mother felt calm and relaxed after the treatment today around 2pm. She was laughing and joking with my sister and nieces. They agreed that she hasn’t acted or looked like this in over three years. Then, the most incredible thing happened. At 5pm. I asked her if she was up for a short walk down the hallway. Her normal gate is effortful with tiny steps and great hesitation. At times she has to struggle even to stand and it can take her up to a minute to turn around. She got up on her own without my assistance. She took her walker and using full strides she walked down the hallway and at one point let go with one hand to gesture while talking and turning to the side. She turned around without effort or assistance (very difficult) at the end of the hallway and on the way back she jogged. She actually ran for about 15 steps. She was also standing more upright. It was as if we were looking at a different person. Truly I was thankful. Today was a gift. Thank you. Linda.
Reply Email Date: 1/12/2008 Dear Linda, Thank you for your e-mail. This is an important series of e-mails about the benefits of the Lux in treating Parkinson’s disease. I was wondering if you would let me edit them removing all personal references, into a long document containing your e-mails and my replies? It would be most helpful for the hundreds of practitioners out there using the lamps. Best regards Yours sincerely Jon Whale For Whale Medical.
Email Date: 1/12/2008 Dear Jon, Please feel free to use the emails, you have my blessing. I want everyone who needs help to have access to this information. I thought you would also enjoy this. My niece sat under the violet lamp for awhile to see how it felt. When she was done, she announced that she knew where her assemblage point was located and pointed right to the spot for the AP on a healthy female. She also reached her arm around her back to show me the exit point stating “I can feel it”. I was very pleased as this is my younger niece (19) who stays much in the background and is very quiet. So you see, my whole family is being blessed by your work. Thank you and talk to you soon. Linda.
Email Date: 1/13/2008 Jon, Another good day. 20 min. treatment to C7. Fell asleep during and napped for 1/2 hr. afterward. I directed the sapphire lamp to the back of her head in a “wash” of violet light for her nap. Her eyes are alert upon waking and she looks rested as if from a full nights sleep. Calm and content and conversational. After a few hours of visiting with family, she takes a walk with full strides and exhibits ease of turning. No stops or starts. No freezing or hesitation. Incredible. Linda.