Real Time Medical Diagnostics and Management
1) Stellar Delux Low Voltage Gem Stone & Mineral Therapy Lamps
2) Handheld Infrared Camera
Ultra-safe, no side effects with a wide range of applications
Dynamic Dielectric Resonance Management (Electronic Gem Therapy) and Quantitative Radiometric Thermal Diagnostics (Telethermometry) For Acute, Chronic and Palliative Management
Manufactured in the United Kingdom to BS EN ISO9001. Approved to BS EN 60601-1-2. EMC Emissions & Immunity compliance tested to EN60601-1-2:1993. Safety Tested to EC Low Voltage Directives to EN60601-1:1990/A13:1996 and EN 60601-1-1


PLEASE NOTE: The Lux IV was replaced by the Stellar Delux in 2006 with improved frequencies on the four Automatic Treatment Switches; Specifically, Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta.
With several hundred of them out there still in operation, the Lux IV is mentioned on some pages and remains on the website at the request of some our clients that use it, in case their customers wish to find out more about it via a search engine.
The Stellar Delux Automatic Treatment Switches are now: –
The Delta brain frequency – Sleep – is used to reduce pain and implement locally the healing effects provided when sleeping (@ 1.5Hz).
Theta the brain frequency of dreaming is used for stabilising emotional issues (@ 3.54Hz).
Alpha @ 7.83Hz is the Earth’s Schumann resonant frequencies that induces calm alertness and rapid healing (this natural frequency is today greatly compromised be EMF Smog).
Beta @ 20.3Hz is used for atrophied presented health conditions.
Handheld Infrared Camera that Rapidly illustrates and measures the energy emissions of the patient’s problem. This Instrument provides rapid accurate diagnostic assistance. The Human Body emits microwaves in the infrared spectrum. Disease and injuries emit different frequencies to healthy conditions.

Hand Held Infrared Camera

Ligament Injury Before Electronic Gem Therapy

Ligament Injury After 20 Minutes of Electronic Gem Therapy Treatment

Infrared Temperature Chart
Target the source of the patient’s problems to obtain rapid and consistent results with no side effects.

Management Examples for a Patient Presenting Post Surgical Trauma, Back and Foot Injuries.

Stellar Delux Electronic Gem Therapy
Consistently Good Rapid Results



with pain and mobility problems

Psoriasis before Electronic Gem Therapy. Patches of psoriasis affected skin can measure as much as 4.0 degrees Celsius hotter than unaffected areas of skin.

Psoriasis 2 weeks after Electronic Gem Therapy (Lamps containing Emeralds & Sapphires).

Radiometric image of a knee injury before and 24 hours after treatment with the Stellar Delux therapy lamps. Injuries cause extensive vasodilation and hyper thermic conditions which can be seen in the thermal image on the left :-
The dielectric resonance frequency of emerald substrates is 565 nm and blue sapphire is 400 nm. Stellar Delux medical lamps containing beryllium aluminium silicate and aluminium oxide crystalline substrates are extremely effective for reducing localised hyperthermia, hyperperfusion, hypermetabolism and vasodilation as well as dramatically attenuating pain. This type of transducer is electronically modulated at slow analgesic frequency of sleep (1.5 HZ) being employed in perhaps 90% of all presented disease or injury. The patient’s experience is always very pleasant, regardless of their presented symptoms or disease; 90% of patients will report relief from their pain, irritations, uncomfortable or distressing feelings, emotions and symptoms as the treatment is being administered.
The inverse complementary management equivalent to the above procedure is Stellar Delux lamps containing aluminium chromium oxide (ruby, 625 nm) or silicon dioxide (carnelian 610 nm) together with carbon (diamond, 470 nm) crystalline substrates and electronically modulated at faster brainwave frequency of alertness (20.1 HZ). This combination can rapidly and effectively reduce hypothermia, vasoconstriction, hypometabolism, increasing local temperature, circulation and biological energy. It is used for management of thrombosis, venus ulcers, phlebitis, chilblains, varicose veins, oedema and related pathology.
Target the source of the patient’s problems and obtain rapid and consistent results with no side effects, producing an astounding 80% plus positive response rate. (99% can be expected with children and younger patients). The average treatment time is 10 minutes for children and 20 minutes for adults; 95% of patients experiencing relief from their symptoms as they receive the treatment. The Stellar Delux has a versatile and wide range of applications for targeting most health problems being safe and simple to use, producing dynamic results without side effects.
The patient’s experience is always very pleasant; regardless of their symptoms or disease, whilst receiving treatment, over 90% of patients report relief from their pain, irritations, uncomfortable or distressing feelings, emotions and symptoms.
Our instrumentation does not use any consumables, incorporating all of the latest European Union regulations for medical apparatus and is compliance certified. The Stellar Delux design includes a treatment timer that automatically switches off the patient’s treatment after a preset time which can be adjusted by the Doctor, Nurse or Therapist allowing them to attend to other patients or duties.
Simple to Use – Ultra Wide Range of Applications
With Push Button treatment selection, the Stellar Delux has been designed for easy, confident application for many different symptoms and conditions which patients are suffering from. Easy and obvious to use, Nurses and Therapists quickly understand its application for patient’s problems.

Green Gem Stone Transducer Lamps – Filled with Emeralds and Blue Sapphires – Effective for reducing localised hyperthermia, hyperperfusion, hypermetabolism and vasodilation having a sedative, analgesic, anti-spasmodic effect [Emerald – cold, unifying, contracting, antibiotic, analgesic, relaxant, anti-spasmodic &. Sapphire -cool, tranquillising, soothing, analgesic, sedative, anti-spasmodic, anti-traumatic]
Violet Gem Stone Transducer Lamps – Filled with Blue Sapphires – Powerful sedative, analgesic, anti-spasmodic, (muscle and nerve relaxant) [Sapphire -cool, tranquillising, soothing, analgesic, sedative, anti-spasmodic, anti-traumatic]
Orange Gem Stone Transducer Lamps – Filled with Diamonds and Carnelians – Effectively reduces, vasoconstriction, hypometabolism, increases circulation and biological energy, anti-coagulant. [Carnelian – cooling, moist, harmonising, anti-allergenic & Diamond – stimulating, invigorating, clarifying, anti-depressant, anti-coagulant]
Red Gem Stone Transducer Lamps – Filled with Rubies and Diamonds – Rapidly reduces hypothermia, vasoconstriction, hypometabolism, increasing local temperature, circulation and biological energy. [Ruby – heating, drying, energising, expanding, increasing circulation & Diamond – stimulating, invigorating, clarifying, anti-depressant, anti-coagulant]
Some Examples Of Stellar Delux Electronic Gem Therapy Therapy

Stellar Delux management for inflammation and pain (sciatica).

Management for abdominal pain, cramps and wind associated with irritable bowel syndrome etc.
Conditions With High Infrared Emissions & Gem Lamp Therapy Treatment
Contusions, fractures, burns, carcinomas, lymphomas, melanomas, prostate cancer, dermatological diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes melitis and associated pathology, liver disease and many other common conditions, including infections, are usually accompanied with vasodilation, hyperthermia, hyperperfusion, hypermetabolism and or vascularisation: all high energy conditions with higher microwave emissions often accompanied with discomfort and pain. The IR Bioscanner will easily detect and record these even to a distinguished difference of to 0.05 degree Celsius. The slightest increase in these conditions will cause the Bioscanner’s meter reading to increase instantly compared to the healthy stored reference value.

Lux IV and Stellar Delux Gem Stone Transducer Lamps fitted with a Green Filter & filled with Emeralds and Blue Sapphires:
Effective for reducing localised hyperthermia, hyperperfusion, hypermetabolism and vasodilation having a sedative, analgesic, anti-spasmodic effect.
Effects: Emerald – cold, unifying, contracting, antibiotic, analgesic, relaxant, anti-spasmodic. Sapphire -cool, tranquillising, soothing, analgesic, sedative, anti-spasmodic, anti-traumatic.
The Stellar Delux frequency to use is 1.5Hz [The Green Push Button Switch]
Conditions With Low Infrared Emissions & Gem Lamp Therapy Treatment
Low Differential Reading
Conversely, condition involving atrophy, neuropathy, deep vein thrombosis, paralysis, ulceration, and so on, exhibit localised hypothermia, hypometabolism, vasoconstriction, low energy conditions with lower microwave emission. In this case the Bioscanner’s meter will decrease towards negative values compared to the healthy reference value.

Stellar Delux Gem Stone Transducer Lamps fitted with a 0range Filter &Filled with Diamonds and Carnelians:
Effectively reduces, vasoconstriction, hypometabolism, increases circulation and biological energy, anti-coagulant.
Effects: Carnelian – cooling, moist, harmonising, anti-allergenic. Diamond – stimulating, invigorating, clarifying, anti-depressant, anti-coagulant. The frequency used with the Stellar Deluxe is 7.83Hz [The Orange Push Button Switch]

Electronic Gem Therapy to the Spleen using a lamp containing Diamonds and Carnelians. This therapy vasodilates the spleen and improves the blood energy levels and flow to th liver, improving liver functions and will lift the Assemblage Point location upwards from the ‘low depressive spectrum’ locations. For Example used for: M.E., Post Natal Depression, Clinical Depression, Chronic Fatigue, etc. More significantly, this therapy can improve the haematology and biochemistry.