Thermal Imaging Camera Used for Measuring the Body’s Infrared Energy Emission and Differential Temperatures

Thermal Imaging Camera Used for Measuring the Body’s Infrared Energy Emission and Differential Temperatures
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Infrared Thermal Camera imaging is a non-contact, non-invasive diagnostic method for study human body temperature. Therefore infra red thermal imaging finds increasing application in clinical medicine. It is a test that uses an infrared camera to detect heat patterns and blood flow in body tissues.
The Infrared Camera helps in the clinical evaluation and detection of serious and difficult disorders such as musculo-skeletal syndromes, neuropathy, neurovascular compression, nerve injury, soft tissue injury, arthritis, carpel tunnel syndrome, myofascial syndromes, inflammatory pain, and disk injury.
It should be noted that The Infrared Camera is an absolutely safe, non-contact imaging modality, which presents no danger or radiation exposure for either the patient or the performing therapist.
Last week this ten-year-old lad injured his ankle at school sports, a sprained ligament. The pain was such that he was unable walk or stand using his right foot. He woke up in the night crying with the pain.
Below are four Infrared images where you can see by comparing against the Infrared Temperature Chart, that his right foot exhibits a higher temperature that his left.
Twenty minutes of treatment with a lamp containing emeralds and sapphires had him walking without a limp by the following day and the day after he was back playing tennis.

Before Electronic Gem Therapy Treatment

After 20 Minutes of Electronic Gem Therapy Treatment

Infrared Temperature Chart for Temperature Comparison

Treatment with an Electronic Gem Therapy Lamp Containing Emeralds and Sapphires
Image 1) Before Electronic Gem Therapy Lamp Treatment:
Here you can see the poor circulation in the two areas of Eczema Plaque on the right hand, the green and yellow areas showing a lower temperature
Image 2) After Electronic Gem Therapy Lamp:
Here you can see that the circulation has improved in the two areas of Eczema Plaque on the right hand, the green and yellow areas have disappeared and now the temperature is balanced and are equal across the hand.:-
If you read the images temperature calibration markings on the two hands in booth images you will see the there is an overall improvement in the temperature balance of the right and left hand. The Temperature difference was 1.60 C before treatment and only 0.60 C difference after treatment.

Environmental Considerations
Differential Infrared Thermography will tolerate a much wider environmental range than is permitted for contact thermography due to the fact that the base line reference is taken from the patient and not from a medical reference book or paper where base line values have been obtained by research on a cross section of patients. Nevertheless by observing some simple and obvious environmental controls, very accurate meaningful scientific data and results can be obtained.
1) Maintain the surgery and waiting room at a temperature of 20 to 24 oC. Avoid cold draughts, glowing electric fires and heating radiators close to the examination target area.
2) Avoid scanning patients immediately following exposure to excessive cold, hot or wet weather or that have been standing in exposed sources of heat, such as a bath, shower, sauna or swimming pool. Avoid providing hot or cold drinks and food immediately prior to scanning, especially if the scanner is being used for dental diagnostics (infections/neuralgia). Allow any such patients to acclimatise to their new environment.