Stellar Delux

The Stellar Delux Specifications
1. The Stellar Delux is built from components and parts which have individual certification for medical and dental use. Its specifications, build standard, quality assurance, construction, reliability, mechanical strength, stability, health and safety are of the highest possible standards achievable. The Test Report documentation and Certificates are available for inspection.

2. The Stellar Delux is housed in two robust heavy duty metal cases: An inner 19 inch rack equipment case and an outer rack mount case with tilt feet. The size of the outer case is Width = 530 mm, Height = 170 mm, Depth = 330 mm. Instrument weight = 10 Kilograms. Can be operated from any three pin earthed mains outlet wall socket.

Safety Compliance Double Steel Enclosure & Electronic Components

3. The mains input voltage is between 100 to 240 Volts AC at 50 to 60 HZ. The mains Input Power consumption is 90 Watts. Supplied with UK, European or USA mains input cable and plug.
4. The Stellar Delux Gem Stone Transducer Lamps are 12 volt DC, 20 watt with a light output equivalent to 60 Watts per Lamp and are fitted with ultra violet and infra red filters. The light beam is cold. The Stellar Delux will control up to three Gem Stone Transducer Lamps at the same time; the adjustable stainless steel tripod stands allowing the Lamps to be set at various heights and angles.
5. Each Gem Stone Transducer Lamp produces more than 20,000 Lux at a distance of 10 centimeters, that is greater than 60,000 Lux for three Lamps. The output is greater than 44,000 Lux a a distance of 2 centimeters or each Lamp Transducer, equivalent to 132,000 Lux for 3 Lamps. The Gem Stones are electronically frequency excited with 18 watts of peak power per lamp (54 watts Total). The output power is adjustable from Zero to 18 watts.
6. The Stellar Delux is fitted with two bright LED digital displays which monitor the Lamp’s modulation frequency and output voltage. When Gem Stones or other crystalline mineral substrates are fitted into the Lamps, the polarised light can be modulated with any set frequency between the range of 1.5 to 35,000 Hz (cycles per second). The Lamp output voltage is adjustable from between zero to 12 .5 volts.
7. Fitted with a digital On/Off timer switch which automatically switches off the Lamps after an adjustable preset time (any value between zero and 300 hours in six switchable ranges).
8. The Stellar Delux Transducer Lamps are precision engineered from anodised solid aluminium and other materials and fitted with 20 watt long-life bulbs which last for many years and emit a full spectrum of light of 60 watts. The light beam is cool, filtered and focussed through three lenses. The Lamp end lens’ caps (Gem Stone Holders) can be unscrewed to enable the coloured filters and gem stones or crystalline mineral substrates to be changed quickly as desired. The tripod stands are made of stainless steel and other metal parts, the complete Lamp and Tripod Stand weight being 8.5 kilograms.
The following is supplied with a Stellar Delux Instrument, with 2 Transducer Gem Therapy Lamps.
1 Stellar Delux Automatic Instrument.
2 Medical Grade High Power Gem Transducer Lamps [light output 60 watts]
2 Stainless Steel Adjustable Tripod Stand with single boom arms
2 Spare Lamp Bulbs 12 volt 20 watt [low voltage bulbs give many years of use]
1 Colour Handbook with disease/complaint/symptom treatment index.
2 Gem Scoops.
4 6 Sets of 16 Colour Filters
1 Display Box of Gem Stones containing:-
Note: Typical contents for a Stellar Delux supplied with 2 Lamps are:-
18 Rubies, 18 carnelian, 12 Citrine, 18 Emeralds, 6 Yellow Sapphire,
12 Diamonds, 18 Blue Sapphire, 6 Cat’s Eye, 6 Onyx, 6 Amethyst, 6 Moonstone,
6 Blue Topaz, (sizes are 1-5 carats. Diamonds facets are 0.3 – 0.6 carats each).
Two Lamps are sufficient for most situations, a three lamp setup is recommended for busy clinics:-
The following is supplied with a Stellar Delux Instrument supplied with 3 Transducer Gem Therapy Lamps.
1 Lux IV, Automatic Instrument.
3 Medical Grade High Power Gem Transducer Lamps [light output 60 watts]
3 Stainless Steel Adjustable Tripod Stand with single boom arms
2 Spare Lamp Bulbs 12 volt 20 watt [low voltage bulbs give many years of use]
1 Colour Handbook with disease/complaints/symptom treatment index.
2 Gem Scoop.
6 Sets of 16 Colour Filters
1 Display Box of Gem Stones containing:-
Note: Typical contents for a Stellar Delux supplied with 3 Lamps are:-
24 Rubies, 24 Carnelian, 24 Citrine, 24 Emeralds, 12 Yellow Sapphire,
18 Diamonds, 24 Blue Sapphire, 9 Cat’s Eye, 9 Onyx, 9 Amethyst, 9 Moonstone,
6 Blue Topaz,(sizes are 1-5 carats. Diamonds facets are 0.3 – 0.6 carats each).
All gems are supplied as polished cabochons or faceted stones. Diamonds are supplied as faceted stones. Actual quantities may vary depending on the size and weight of each stone supplied. All stones are “Native Cut & Polished” from natural earth minerals.
Example: What You Receive For A System With Two Gem Stone Transducer Lamps

Front view of a Stellar Delux on top of a medical trolley.

Side Panel view of the Stellar Delux

Rear Panel view of the Stellar Delux

Box of Gem Stones & Colour Filters

Colour Filter: Left – 4 sets of 8 Standard Colour, Center: 12 x Deep Violet, Right: 4 sets of 8 Pastel Colours

Shown Lid Closed: Box of Gem Stones & Colour Filters

Shown inside shipping box: Two ‘Fold Down’ Tripod Stands with Two Boom Arm Extensions & Swivel Blocks

Two Transducer Lamps & Gimble Mountings

Operating & Training Handbook for the Stellar Delux – Size: 200 x A4 Pages.

Cable (UK, US, EU Etc. Available), Spare Lamps, Spare Front Lens
The shipping weight and dimensions in 3 Boxes are: Box 1 of 3 = 5.5 Kilo, size 0.35 x 0.28 x 0.26 Metres. Box 2 of 3 = 12 Kilo, size 0.61 x 0.31 x 0.52 Metres. Box 3 of 3 = 17.5 Kilo, size 0.94 x 0.46 x 0.21 Metres
Optional Extras:-

Spare Gem Stone and Colour Filter Holders.
These are used by busy clinics.
They can be pre-filled with gems and filter prescriptions to enable rapid change-over of treatment types.

Examples: The above photograph illustrates two commonly used gem prescriptions:
Left: 7 x Gem Stone Mixture of Rubies, Citrines, Carnelians, Emeralds, Yellow Sapphires, Diamond, Blue Sapphires with a Magenta Colour Filter.
Right: 2 x Gem Stone Mixture of Emeralds & Blue Sapphires with a Green Colour Filter.
Upgrade from a 2 Gem Transducer Lamp set up to a 3 Lamp set up.

Above Photograph: 1 Extra Tripod Stand with Boom Arm and Gem Transducer Lamp.