Electronic Gem Therapy
Veterinary Applications – Lame Horse – InfraRed Scans of Infection
This is a short abstract from the original published article: Back In The Saddle – The Invisible Radiations Of Injuries And Diseases and Their Repair.

Infrared image showing the heat in a front right foot infection.

Compare the right with the left, the heat from the infection can be seen spreading up the foreleg.

A close-up infrared scan.

Clanfluther getting ready for treatment.

Two green lamps cooling the infection and red lamp to stimulate the blood and circulation.

Infrared image showing the front left leg slightly warmer 6 weeks later (see text below).
Anne Cawley writes: “Clanfluther is a 12 Year Old, 16 Hands bay gelding by Sherngzar retired sound from 11 years racing. For the last 18 months, I was using him for escorting hacks in riding stables and hunting; he was excellent at both. In the Axe Vale Harriers Hunt at the end of September, trotting along a narrow Devon lane following a good run, Clanfluther overreached, pulling off a new shoe, and managed to tread on the longest nail driving it into the sole. He was transported back to the stables where the farrier refitted the shoe. At this point he was almost sound. The next day Clanfluther was very lame. After a course of antibiotics, Clanfluther remained lame and the vet took swabs which revealed an unusual antibiotic resistant infection.
Three months later, in January, Clanfluther was still lame; Jon Whale called at the stables and asked permission to take some infra-red scans of horses for his medical research. Minutes later, the scans of Clanfluther’s infected foot and leg revealed much higher temperatures than the healthy legs. He said, ‘He will be in quite some pain but, provided the vet agrees, it may be possible to help – take a look at www.whalemedical.com and I will come back with printed copies of the scans for the vet and farrier’.
After seeing the scans, the vet, took X-rays to ensure that Clanfluther’s injury was free of nails and bone damage. Later, back at the stables, Jon Whale gave an evaluation treatment to Clanfluther’s foot and leg with three small electronic medical lamps containing emeralds and sapphires. Clanfluther enjoyed the treatment. Jon Whale said that the Lux IV lamps would relieve the pain, cooling and calming the infection and injury. Fifteen minutes into the treatment, Clanfluther moved his foot away from the lamps as if testing the effects, after a moment he placed his foot back under the lamps and went to sleep. For three days, Clanfluther was much better, bucking and galloping in the field but on the fourth day he returned to the stables slightly lame. Clanfluther’s infection was chronic, his evaluation treatment rendered his infection and pain sub-clinical for a few days. It gave him freedom to play for the first time in months and within six weeks he had recovered and was back working again. For months, he was pointing his right leg, taking his weight on the left. Once the infection had cleared he predominately pointed his left leg, resting it from its months of burden and this leg was slightly warmer than the right.