Explanatory message about this page from Jon Whale about this page
This Page is of the Utmost Importance to the Wellbeing of all Humans and our Planet Earth
Now in circulation since 2002 are several hundred-thousand copies of my books and full colour Ebooks that provide comprehensive instructions for locating and realigning the Human Assemblage Point. The problem is that currently there are only a few ethical professional practitioners internationally that are accomplished to provide these services to the public.
As I continue to receive evermore enquires from individuals that require either Assemblage Point correction and/or training, I have decided to upload this page so that anyone interested can acquire easily and economically the necessary skills for this work.
If you have arrived at this page without any previous experience of knowledge concerning the Human Assemblage Point, it will be necessary for you to acquire more introductory details, so please refer to: The Assemblage Point And Health
The position of our Assemblage Point is a pivotal force on our state of health and has a dominating effect on ‘how we feel’ and ‘how we behave’. It is now possible to treat physical and mental disease in radical new ways.
As a stable and correctly located Assemblage Point increases health and efficiency, this knowledge will preserve lives, greatly benefit humanity and generate and save more money than can currently be estimated. Aside from the benefits for personal and family life, the Assemblage Point knowledge and practice has a wider application for the advancement of: –
• Educational Institutions • National Health And Paramedical Services • Medicine, Surgery, Psychiatry And Psychology • Professional Sports Management • Employment and Team Management • Social Welfare and Allied Support Services • Marriage Guidance and Relationship Counselling • Armed Combat Personnel Rehabilitation • Criminal, Drug and Substance Abuse Rehabilitation • National Security, Police and Political Departments
References: Two Books by Jon Whale: The Catalyst Of Power – The Assemblage Point of Man and Naked Spirit – The Supernatural Odyssey.

The Human Energy Field and The Assemblage Point showing the Flux Lines

The Average Assemblage Point Location for a Healthy Female and Male

The Average Healthy Female Assemblage Point Location
How to Locate Your Own Assemblage Point
1.1. Provided that one is in good health and given a little time and some personal perseverance, it is relatively easy to locate one’s own Assemblage Point.
1.2. Use a peaceful warm environment. Refer to the illustration on your left for the average location for males and females.
1.3. Using the tip of your index finger of your right hand. Press moderately firmly into the tissue of the right side your chest in the average location for male and females as shown on the illustration.
1.4. Many people especially females will instinctively and quickly find the location of their Assemblage Point. If not, then remove your finger and press firmly again in a very close adjacent spot. Repeat this until you have covered a diameter of perhaps 10 centimetres (4 inches).
1.5. When you find your location it will be very tender, even sore or painful. With most individuals, the sensation will pass deep into the chest, perhaps through to the back.
1.6. Ladies: Please note that you Assemblage Point cannot be located by pressing on your breast tissue (mammary glands). The reason is that breast tissue moves around depending on posture. Depending on your bust size, for large sizes you may have to lie on your right side so that your right breast moves over out of the way. The key factor is that the Assemblage Point can only by located by pressing through the chest tissue onto the rib cage itself. Alternatively, you can use your right hand to move your breast as necessary, then use your left-hand index finger to do the probing.
Here is an email message from a lady in the USA: – “Hi Jon. I Successfully located the entrance of my assemblage point on my first attempt. It alerted me with a jolt of electrical charge that passed into my body… I asked you to be aware of this that I had found it… Thank you.”
Once you indisputably know and are familiar with the location and entry angle of your own Assemblage Point, then you will be in a good position to adopt the necessary skills to locate and realign the Assemblage Point location and entry angle of other people.

The Desirable Central Assemblage Point Location

The Optimum Central Location for The Assemblage Point
How to Realign or Shift Your Own Assemblage Point to the Centre Location
2.1. The most excellent location for our Assemblage Point is in front of fourth and fifth thoracic vertebras under the region of trachea branching into two bronchi to the lungs. In Men the ideal Assemblage Point location is 3 fingers breadth below the Sternal Angle; in Women just 2 fingers width below the sternal angle. In this way our breathing with each inhale and exhale cycle pumps’ fresh Prana/Ki/Chi energy into our Assemblage Point and energy field or Aura.
The Benefits of the Central Assemblage Point Location
3.1. Realignment of your Assemblage Point is easy to accomplish and takes only 10 to 20 minutes of your time. Depending on the individual’s character, personality type, state of health and other personal elements, the experience and benefits are:
3.2. The experience is very intimate, painless, enlightening, provides profound spiritual insight.
3.3. It provides speedy access to higher states of consciousness, mental and physical stability, calmness of mind and body.
3.4. Erases negative thoughts, unnecessary worries, anxiousness, depressive feelings and counteracts the upsetting negative energies that are often transmitted by the energy fields or Aura of other individuals or groups that may not have a healthy Assemblage Point location. You will be able to think differently about anything. You become devoted to yourself in happiness and creativity.
3.5. A centrally located Assemblage Point is most beneficial for your personal performance in every area of life, especially in all types of sports, games of skill, work, home and family life, marriage and relationships, hobbies, driving, consumption of food and drink.

Assemblage Point Correction Crystals Clear Snow Flake Quartz

Assemblage Point Realignment Crystals Rose Snow Flake Quartz
The Tools and the Environment Necessary for Self Realignment
4.1. In order to personally realign your own Assemblage Point to the central location on your chest, it is necessary to know your exact current location. Also, it is necessary to use a high quality Assemblage Point shifting quartz crystal (realignment quartz crystal). It must have a superior polished smooth domed convex end. This is required to make use of the piezoelectric effect of the quartz crystal in order to magnify and seize onto the energy channels (fibres) of your Assemblage Point. To enable you to slide the crystal on your skin without dragging the skin, remember to lubricate the convex end of your crystal with a one of two drops of vegetable oil.
4.2. For the most profound experience, the ideal environment for self-realignment is a quiet tranquil room such as a bedroom, preferable with blackout curtains accommodating a comfortable bed, sofa, massage couch or a thick comfortable carpeted floor. Also any electrical devices should be switched off or disconnected from the house mains supply. Intrusions from other people must be eliminated, including any telephones and door bells.

The Average Assemblage Point Location for a Young Healthy Female

The Average Female Track and 2 Station realignment to the Centre

A Typical Assemblage Point Location for a UK Middle Aged Male

Male location Track & 2 Stations Realignment to the Centre
The Procedure for Self-Realignment of Your Assemblage Point
5.1. An overview: Please refer to the photographs on your left about ‘Assemblage Point Stations and Tracks’. The procedure consists of breathing slowly while using your crystal to drag your Assemblage Point slowly from your current location along the ‘redline track’ shown in the photographs in the direction of the arrow to a new location that is referred in the instructions below as a ‘station’. Depending on the distance of your current location from the desired central location, you may well have to pass through several ‘stations’ stopping at each ‘station’ for a while to allow your energy field or aura, mind and body to adjust to the specific energy of each ‘station’. To enable you to slide the crystal on your skin without dragging the skin, beforehand, remember to lubricate the convex end of your crystal with a one of two drops of vegetable oil.
5.12. For individuals with a typical healthy Assemblage Point location on the right side of the chest’s central meridian line, the easiest method is to relax on a bed in a darkened quiet room.
5.3. Place your AP crystal on the exact current location of your Assemblage Point. Relax and maintain steady breathing, then very slowly and gradually, drag your crystal towards the centre meridian line and then downwards a distance of three centimetres. You will experience the doomed end of your AP crystal tugging at your Assemblage Point.
5.4. Holding your AP crystal upright keep it on this new location for ten minutes.
Note:- This method can be easily adapted for use by professional practitioners where their clients can use an AP crystal to self-realign their Assemblage Point.
The following method is basically the same as above but provide a better explanation.
6.1. Rest comfortably flat on you back, do not cross your legs, keep your feet together at your ankles. Breathe in a relaxed way, evenly and slowly for several minutes. Establish a natural relaxed rhythm, it may be helpful to inhale to the count of 5 then pause for 1 count, then exhale to the count of 5 and pause for 1 count before inhaling again. Perform this for a duration of at least twelve times
6.2. Now with totally relaxed natural rhythmic breathing locate your current Assemblage Point location as outlined in sections 1.0. to 1.5. above.
6.3. Having confirmed your exact current location, use your right hand and place the oil lubricated domed convex end of the Assemblage Point correction crystal on the exact current location.
6.4. Now continue breathing for 12 breaths maintaining the crystal on this location.
6.5. Having slowly and deliberately completed 12 breaths, now very slowly slide the crystal a distance of not more than 10 millimetres (a third of an inch) in the direction of the arrow along the red line to a new ‘station’. (Refer to the Assemblage Point ‘Station and Tracking’ photograph that matches your particular current location shown on your left ).
6.6. As you slide the crystal, you will feel the crystal drag your Assemblage Point to the new ‘station’ (location). As you slowly slide the crystal you will experience pleasurable changes of the energy levels throughout your entire body. This can occur due the realignment of your entire energy field (aura) so that it is in phase with the new ‘station’. Also, you will feel a distinct change for the better in your mental attitude.
6.7. Maintain your crystal at this ‘station’ for several minutes or a minimum of twelve breaths. Maintain your relaxed breathing until your energy and mental changes have had time to adjust to this first ‘station’ along the track line to the desired central location.
6.8. Having completed the slide shift to the first station, now you are ready to move your Assemblage Point to the next ‘station’ along the red track line.
6.9. Simply repeat sections 6.5. and 6.6. above for each of the number of ‘stations’ required to cover the track line distance of your Assemblage Point to its destination at the desirable central location.
- 1) Squeeze the Crystal hard then use thumb friction by pressing hard and sliding it towards the point in the direction of the arrow.
- 2) Repeat 5 more times for each of the six flat surfaces of your Crystal.
- 3) Then your Crystal will emit a strong cool breeze from its point that can be felt when pointed at the palm of your left hand.
- 4) The hand squeezing and thumb friction pressure procedure above increases the Piezo-Electric effect of a quartz crystal with six triangle faces at the point, thus increasing the energy output emitted from the point. QED.

How to hold your Assemblage Point Alignment Quartz Crystal

The Earth’s Magnetic Flux Lines

The Sun’s Magnetic Flux Lines

A very distant quasar powered by a supermassive black hole the Assemblage Point. The Hubble Telescope has discovered the brightest quasar ever seen in the early universe which has the brightness of about 600-trillion suns. (Courtesy of NSA).

A Simple String of 12 Amethyst Beads that can be used for keeping count of your breaths
The Rules for the Sliding Relocation and Realignment
7.1. While maintaining a period of steady relaxed breathing slide your Assemblage Point realignment crystal very, very slowly. You will feel the crystal ‘Tug’ or ‘Drag’ your Assemblage Point, effectively dragging it to a new location. Do not slide your crystal suddenly, otherwise your crystal may let go of your Assemblage Point leave it behind. Should this happen as it may well have moved slightly then you will have to find your new current location again and restart the procedure from there.
7.2. Never slide or drag your Assemblage Point diagonally. Do not take a short cut with a diagonal slide. The reason for this is that you should only slide the Assemblage point upwards or downwards along the vertical and from side to side of the horizontally energy lines of the energy field or Aura.
7.3. Depending on your current location, always follow a vertical track albeit upward or downwards, in order to move sideways to change from one vertical line to an adjacent vertical line, only slide your Assemblage Point sideways on a horizontal track.
7.4. Very low location must be moved upwards then sideways horizontally across vertical lines to the centre meridian line and then from there, downwards to the desirable centre location.
7.5. In order not to be preoccupied with counting your breaths in the above procedure, it can help to use a rosary or a string of twelve beads or even twelve tied knots on a short length of string. You can use your left-hand index finger and thumb to move and count one bead or knot for one breath.
7.6. Take care about the frequency of realigning your Assemblage Point. From my 30 years of experience, I suggest that you restrain the period of realignment. Before carrying out a further realignment to the centre allow a period of twenty eight days to pass (one Lunar month). This may be more significant for females than males. It will provide time to allow the situations in your relationships, routines and your mind and bodily functions to adjust to your strengthened energy field or Aura.
An Email report from a middle aged male: – “ While Relaxing in my bedroom I easily found my AP location. My AP was located about two inches on the right side of my chest and
also down about two inches. I had to slide it first upwards and then across to the centre. This required a four station shift.
When I placed the crystal exactly on my AP, moving the crystal very slightly I perceived that the crystal had immediately locked on to my AP and was tugging at it. When I slowly moved the crystal to the first station as it dragged my AP with it, I experienced subtle changes of energy throughout my body. I especially noticed a large movement energy out of my right leg and right arm. The energy moved as if was ‘water draining away’ from my right limbs into to my left leg and arm. As I continued the sliding of the crystal onto the next and subsequent stations, I felt energy shifting from the left side of my head into the right side of my head.
Gradually, my thinking and thoughts completely faded away. I experienced a perfect state of meditation, a complete union with my deeper self and my physical body. This was something that I have never in my life experienced.”
Please Note: I regularly receive emails and messages enquiring if the Assemblage Point can be realigned via ‘Distant Healing’, for example, when the individual requiring realignment live in another city or country to the practitioner.
With thirty years of Assemblage Point realignment experience, I can definitely say that it is not possible, especially in the case of chronic related illness, as this requires personal intervention by a trained and skilled Assemblage Point practitioner to check the location and entry angle before and after realignment. Clearly, this is not possible with ‘Distant Healing’ modalities.
To address the problem of a worldwide shortage of trained practitioners skilled in Assemblage Point location and realignment, last year I wrote and upload this document.
A Request For Feedback from Jon Whale
I would appreciate any emails pertaining to your experiences about locating and realigning your Assemblage Point using the methods presented above.
Any feedback that you can provide will enable me to adjust and update the procedure as necessary for the benefit of other readers and our planet.
Naturally, your privacy and confidentiality will be secure, unless you give permission for public disclosure. However, if you are a practitioner using the Assemblage Point modalities, please consider providing your contact details and permission. Thank you.