Electronic Gem Therapy
Crystal Light Therapy & Gem Therapy
The Therapeutic Use of Gemstones, Light and Frequencies
Electronic Gem Therapy is a truly amazing marriage of the ancient knowledge of Gem and Crystal Therapy and modern electronic technology that provides rapid and effective healing. It is a non-invasive therapy with countless applications for mental, physical and energetic health.
Discover the extraordinary healing powers of Electronic Gem Therapy® for a comprehensive spectrum of health problems. Find out how to eliminate pain, treat injuries and damaged nerves, improve muscular and skeletal problems, counteract infections and allergies, treat skin problems, relieve exhaustion and nervous disorders.
Electronic Gem Therapy is truly a brilliant invention, designed and engineered by Jon Whale in the 1990s. Also by Jon Whale on this web site:
The Human Assemblage Point
• Experience your own Assemblage Point, a crucial energy vortex of our Energy Body.
• Discover how the position of the Assemblage Point controls how we feel and behave.
• Learn how to shift and relocate the Assemblage Point to improve mental and physical performance and accelerate personal growth. Relieve stress, anger, anxiety, panic, depression.
• Discover how shock, stress, illness, trauma, intimidation and violence all shift the Assemblage Point to detrimental locations and cause illness.
• Learn the different Assemblage Point Locations associated with various physical and psychological diseases and how the endocrine system is effected.
• Find out how alcohol, medical drugs and illegal drugs can shift Man’s Assemblage Point to dangerous locations. Discover how to correct the Assemblage Point Location to assist and minimize the effects of drugs and alcohol and their dependency.
The Human Assemblage Point and disease symptomatology was first researched by Jon Whale between 1990 and 1995 and published in 1996. He has changed the way many doctors and therapists view health and treatment protocols.
Electronic Gemstone Therapy Instruments & Lamps
Stellar Delux Gemstone Therapy Instrument & Lamps

Electronic Gem Therapy is ultra-safe with
no side effects with a wide
range of applications.
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The Portable Gaia Lux Gemstonel Lamps
The Portable Gaia Lux Mineral Lamps Emit Concentrated Healing Energy Rays Of: Prana / Qi / Chi / Ki – Vibrating At Beneficial Healing Frequencies. The Gaia Lux Lamps Amplify The Natural Healing Energy Of Gemstone, Crystals, Tumbled Stones & Precious Metals Vibrating At Beneficial Healing Frequencies.
Medical & Veterinary Health Applications With Case Examples
Medical Case Examples Page 1

Rapid & efficient treatment
with a broad scope of applications
for disease & ailments.
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Medical Case Examples Page 2

Rapidly locate and measure
the infrared energy emissions
of a patient’s problem.
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Veterinary Applications

An extremely effective treatment for
Animals even though they have no
preconceptions of outcomes.
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Email endorsements

Some incoming supportive and commendation
Emails received from Electronic
Gem Therapy practitioner.
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Alternative & Integrated Medicine Applications

Electronic Gem Therapy Lamps have
a wide spectrum of alternative &
complementery health applications.
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Chakra Therapy using the
appropriate gem stones,
colour filters & frequency.
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Profound relaxation using Gem Lamps
containing Dark Blue Sapphires.
Used for trauma, stress, anxiety, etc..
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Medical case examples on this
site are supported with
Infrared Thermographs Images.
Alternative & Integrated Medicine Applications
The human Assemblage Point location, its front entry & rear exit angle is a critical factor for mental and physical health. Its symptomatology was first researched by Jon Whale between 1990 to 1995 and published in 1996.
Low locations of the Assemblage Point are conjunctive with, for example: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), chronic depression, post natal depression, chronic fatigue, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). Whereas high right locations can be combined with chronic anxiety and panic disorders, etc..
The Assemblage Point and Health

A central location of the Assemblage
Point provides optimum mental
& physical health.
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Locating the Assemblage Point

Several methods showing how to locate
& experience yours & other
individuals Assemblage Point.
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Correcting The Assemblage Point’s Location and Entry Angle

Several methods showing how to manually
correct detrimental Assemblage
Point entry angles & locations.
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How to correct the Assemblage
Point using Electronic
Gem Therapy Lamps.
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Supporting Publications
Books by Jon Whale offering revolutionary insight into Energy Medicine & the Human Assemblage Point.

The Catalyst Of Power –
The Assemblage Point Of Man
Read More…

Naked Spirit – The Physical,
Psychological, Emotional And Spiritual Maps
For Health And Disease Including The
Assemblage Point Blueprints.
Read More…

Message From Jon Whale: The knowledge of the Assemblage Point Location and Correction procedures are of the utmost importance for World Health, for individuals and collective groups alike. The Assemblage Point is not something that the Pharmaceutical Companies and current medical practice take into account in their research and diagnostics. These people have a lot of catching up to do.
Should you email whalemedicalinc@aol.com with an enquiry, you will receive the full colour Ebook version of the above two books free by return email. However, the published printed books are more convenient for reading but the illustrations are in black and white.
www.whalemedical.com is a website owned by Gaia Lux Ltd (Formerly Electronic Gem Therapy Ltd.)
The registered address is: Gaia Lux Ltd. The Loft, Unit 11, Hunthay Business Park, Axminster, EX13 5RJ, U.K.
Company Registration Number: 04440832. Registered Trade Marks: Gaia Lux™ & Electronic Gem Therapy™
Note: Electronic Gem Therapy Ltd is the only manufacturer & supplier of Electronic Gem Therapy Instruments. Entirely built in the United Kingdom and Government compliant tested and approved to EN 610 -1:2001, Supplying Internationally.
The Stellar Delux Electronic Gem Therapy Lamps have a broad spectrum of applications that provide rapid and effective results in real time.
Electronic Gem Therapy Lamps are used by Medical Doctors and Clinics, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Sports Gymnasiums Clubs for injuries, Natural, Alternative and Integrated Health Practitioners and Clinics, Spa and Sauna Facilities, Yoga and Meditation Centers, Beauty Salons, etc.
The company also publishes in several languages Jon Whale’s books, Ebooks about the age-old gem therapy, electronic gem therapy and human Assemblage Point. Please Note: The Lux IV model is no longer available as it was superceded by the Stellar Delux model in 2006. The Lux IV is listed on these web pages for public reference purposes as previously to 2006 many were supplied internationally and are still being used today. Invented, developed and designed by Jon Whale over a period of 30 years. Electronic Gem Therapy is a Registered Trade Mark.